On July 31st 2020, one of the hottest nights of the year, we had our annual general assembly.
We looked back on the last 15 months, our shared time together and our accomplishments. We also discussed important topics & policies. As every year, we also voted on chief positions within the club.
New chairwomen
Our new chairwomen are T-Lex and (like the last couple of years) Reckless Spice. Thank you for taking on that responsibility!
Captains 2020/21
Our captains for the next season are going to be JoHammer and Dr. Fenzi. We‘re looking forward to your input & guidance!
Minimum skills test
We congratulate the great Moni Ka-Pow on passing her MST! We‘re looking forward to welcoming you on our roster!
Attendance champions
Like every year, we award our attendance champions in 3 different categories (refs, newbies, rostered skaters) congrats to Captain Robvious, Moni Ka-Pow and T-Lex for putting in the work & the hours! We‘re proud of you and lucky to have you!
We‘re looking forward to what‘s ahead – even though everything is quite unsure at the moment.
But, we will continue to work on our skills, our fitness and our development as a group.
Derby <3 to all of you!
Yours, the Dust City Rollers